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  • You have been lied to… in a BIG way…

    Have you ever scrolled on social media only to see your friends and families’ life filled with abundance? And you’re just there, sitting and wondering… how you could have had that life too - one that’s filled with all the wealth you desire, meaningful relationships, doing the work you love and having complete control of your time.

    If only you could have all these things and more, right?

    Because let’s face it. Who wouldn’t want to live the life they desire? We all want an abundant life. If you’ve been manifesting for a while now and haven’t seen any major change in your life… then maybe it’s time to rethink everything. Maybe you haven’t fully addressed your past pains, aches, and traumas.

    Meditation, affirmation, and scripting won’t work if you are still stuck with beliefs that do not allow you to move forward. You must find out what’s holding you back from manifesting the very life you could be living right now.

    How? By being honest about who’s been lying to you!

    Yep, you’re being lied to by someone about manifestation, and it’s not who you might think.

    See, this might not win me a lot of friends for saying. But, if you want to start getting results, we’ve got to get real, and face the truth.

    The person who’s lying to you… is YOU.

    You lied to yourself by believing that you couldn’t have all that you wanted. But you can!

    Here are three lies (we all tell ourselves) that hold you back from manifesting all you desire:

    Comfort Zone is the Safe Zone (it’s not!)

    Your comfort zone is not a safe zone for you to linger on. Stop believing the lie that it’s okay to be in this zone. To be honest, it’s the most dangerous place you could be in. It’s a place that stops you from ever moving forward. Your comfort zone limits your potential. It makes you feel unhappy and stuck.

    It leaves you feeling dissatisfied with where you are now. It blinds you from ever seeing the abundance that surrounds you. It doesn’t help you manifest your desires. It pulls you back and holds you down.

    So, how can you break free from this? By doing something that scares you. Well, not something that’s reckless but something that you really want, Like, applying for your dream job or calling that person you’ve been wanting to reconnect with.

    Believe in the power of magic in manifestation. It will lead you to your best life, surrounded by new things, endless opportunities, and limitless abundance.

    You have to be a victim of life (nope, you have to take ownership of your life)

    Another lie you might have been living with is you have to be a victim of life to experience miracles. No, you don’t have to be a victim. You have to take ownership of life and love life! Stop thinking that you have to be on your lowest to become your best.

    Wherever you are now, you can use manifestation to help you rise above it all and achieve what you want. Start overcoming this lie by loving yourself. Make it your foundation. Stop criticizing all that you do and start believing in yourself.

    Don’t let anything and anyone hinder you from living the life you deserve.

    Believing you can’t do it (you can and you will)

    The last lie is believing you can’t do it. Because to tell you the truth, you can and you will. You are a divine being capable of anything. Whatever it is you put your mind to, you can attain it.

    Yes, fear is okay. It’s normal. But you can’t let it control your dreams. You should be a little apprehensive when it comes to huge dreams or ideas and grand actions. However, in the end, you'll always be the one who's most excited about it!

    It's impossible to list all the reasons why we're overcome with fear. Sometimes we can’t help our negative thoughts take over once again, and we find ourselves in a hopeless situation.

    The key to rising above this is changing your perspective. View each dream as an opportunity and not just a challenge. It’s an opportunity to learn and become closer to your desires.


    If you really want to experience the best in life and have all your manifestations come true, then I have something for you.

    It’s an ancient secret that’s been kept hidden from the public. It holds a secret that opens so many doors to a life you never even thought possible. You can be more and do more!

    I want to share this with you to show you that manifestation is not just powerful but effective.

    Unfortunately, this secret won’t be available for the public for so long…

    So, grab this chance and change your life.

    Remember, I am now giving you the power. Now it’s your choice if you want to take it. Go ahead and click the link below now!

  • Do you think the Law of Attraction is enough to manifest your desires?

    I hate to burst your bubble, but… it’s NOT!

    The Law of Attraction has been around for years now. A lot of people have been meditating, using affirmations, scripting, and reading a lot of books about LOA. But how many have been left disappointed in the end?

    You will see a lot of books and videos talking about how powerful the Law of Attraction is… how it can transform your life and turn it into the one you desire.

    But it’s simply not enough.

    Here’s why.

    The Law of Attraction has been explained in the book The Secret. But it’s just a watered-down version of the truth. Believing in the Universe and placing your energy in your desires are not the ways to bring you to the life you want.

    Gurus and other “manifestation” speakers talk about how negative emotions hinder you from becoming an amazing manifestor. It stops you from feeling what’s true to you. It invalidates your emotions, and that shouldn’t be the case.

    You can’t simply turn off your negative emotions. You have to process it and learn from each experience. The Law of Attraction teaches people that it’s the only way. That this shortcut will give you what you want. Therefore, people end up confused and hurt. Because they start to doubt themselves!

    Negative emotions are valid, and you have the right to feel them. You need to have your own time to acknowledge each painful or traumatic experience before healing them. The Law of Attraction wants you to bypass that and simply let go.

    I am here to tell you that there are real laws out there that will help you manifest your desires…

    No, it does not include the Law of Attraction.

    What I’m about to share with you are the 7 Universal Laws passed down since ancient history.

    To get the life you want, these laws will not only guide you but will make you a stronger manifestor. It will build up your confidence from the start with small experiments, which will help you manifest big things in the end. These are called 7 Alchemical Experiments. With each level, you will gain power over power as a manifestor.

    Can you imagine? Learning about ancient secrets that have been kept from the public because some elites only want to use them to their advantage?

    Why? Because they know that if everyone has the knowledge, then everyone would be just as successful as them.

    Just imagine for a minute…

    All of your desires coming to life. Your dream house, the luxury car you’ve been dreaming about since you were a kid, the meaningful relationships you’ve always wanted… and most especially, the abundance you desire.

    This could be all yours.

    All you have to do is click the link below.

    7 Alchemical Experiments

    Don’t let this opportunity pass you by. This secret won’t be here for long.

    Be one of the few people who would have the chance to harness the true energy and power of the 7 Alchemical Experiments.

  • Have you ever caught yourself saying: I’m not enough.

    After a long day from work or from your daily activities, you lay on your bed and find yourself thinking… it’s not enough.

    I want to tell you that it is. What you are doing now is enough - more than enough, actually!

    You are not alone in feeling this way. There are a lot of people out there who feel the same thing too. This feeling you have is not your fault. It’s honestly a common wound people have to heal from.

    It’s called an abundance wound, also known as abundance blocks. These are limiting beliefs that hold you back from ever moving forward to the life you want to live. It hinders the natural flow of blessings to you because you feel like you don’t deserve it.

    This is a wound that you have formed since your childhood days.

    Here are common abundance blocks:

    • I am not enough
    • I don’t deserve good things
    • I don’t deserve love
    • I am not worthy
    • I can’t trust money
    • I can’t trust anyone

    If you had a secure childhood where your parents loved you, showed their support and care constantly then you might have positive core beliefs.

    But if you grew up in an environment that focused on lack, and love wasn’t always present, then it is most likely that you have limiting beliefs.

    What you can do to overcome this is by healing your abundance wound. You can do so by finding the right method that works for you because healing isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach. If you have a friend or a relative who is comfortable meditating, it doesn’t mean that you have to do the same thing.

    You can try scripting, where you write about your past pains or negative core beliefs, learn from each and let it go. Another method is through audios that have healing energy.

    But the best way and perhaps my favorite way of coming to terms with abundance is through the Tree of Life.

    If you haven’t heard of it, in a nutshell, the Tree of Life is believed to have the power to give a person immortality. That’s not really the case.

    The Tree of Life appears in many of the world’s religions, philosophical traditions, and mythological stories all over the planet, including Ancient Mesopotamia, Iran, China, Europe, Mesoamerica, and North America. It visually shows the connection between every form of creation in existence.

    I have found the right way of using it and I’ve broken it down into 7 Alchemical Experiments. These experiments take you on a journey to your inner self and make you a powerful manifestor that can overcome your limiting beliefs and turn your dream life into reality.

    Those feelings of lack that you have won’t magically disappear. But with 7 Alchemical Experiments, you will find out ways that will help you rise above it.

    Are you ready to heal and become the manifestor you were destined to be? Then click the link below now.